Our Offerings

Heart Inspired healing for people just like you


Wellness Session

initial visit: one hour and 30 minutes - $444

Designed to put the power of health back into your hands.

For those:

  • who simply want the information without ongoing 1:1 support

  • interested in ‘picking my brain’

  • seeking a second opinion

  • new to nutrition and lifestyle medicine

  • self-healers



  • 90 minute one-on-one session to dive deep into physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health to identify possible root cause(s) of illness and faciliate healing

  • Personalized wellness or detoxification recommendations [nutritional, lifestyle, botanical, and energetic recommendations]

  • 10% discount off MSRP on practitioner grade supplements

  • Access to follow up sessions as needed


Nourishing Your Rhythm

6 week course + group health coaching & community
  • A 6- week container to learn authentic healing principles and applications in a like – minded community 

  • Learn how to soothe your nervous system and take autonomy back in your health 

  • Learn why the above point even matters above all else!


Health Coaching

6 months of High-touch healing support

For those:

  • dealing with any “chronic” illness, stress, or overwhelm (including pain, digestive, immune, hormone, skin, & mental-emotional symptoms or imbalances)

  • desiring additional support through the healing process

  • who know what to do (or not do) to heal but struggle with consistency

  • contemplating behavior change as a necessary step in order to heal

  • dealing with difficult life situations that require ongoing support

  • looking to balance mental, emotional, and spiritual health

  • seeking accountability


I will answer to any question you may have

Ready To Begin Your Healing Journey?
